Mar 12, 2011

עקב מזרחי Steppe Buzzard

The weather forecast was bad for this weekend - yesterday it was raining all day - i was down... (@ zwerg: the sea seawatch is wieder besser). Eugene convinced me " it can't rain everywhere" & today we were back in the negev, close to דוד בן גוריון‎ and it was יופי wonderful!

The hike started in the wadi, climbed up the plateau, past a bedouin "restaurant", circling around a few other valleys...

... smiling stones ...

... until it descends to an oasis. Atm there is not much water, but a lot of plants are growing on the shadowy side. If you look careful at the far end you will see a 'dry waterfall' on the left.

We spent some time there, after the stony desert. This experience is a real joy, there where birds singing, cousins of sparrows, swifts, and loads of שפיריות dragonflies. They kept dipping into the pool rising, circling,... Then the sun was hidden by the clouds and it became cold - and the dragonflies misjudged from time to time and dived into the pools. I fished one out, so did Eugene, and after we made the dragonflies to stars on the people magazine, we made two little girls quite happy (flowers can't compete with real dragonflies - not even in the desert).

I also saw a נשר vulture again, but it was so far up, that the pictures are not worth showing.

But on the way back I got lucky again [·_·] a shadow flickered past me, and there was a beautiful steppe bussard hiding in front of the sun, but i managed to get a couple of pics when he started circling before he took of.



  1. Hallo Martin! Wie immer, tolle Bilder!!! Ein sehr schönes Kontrast zwischen den Wolken, dem Himmel und den felsen....und die Libellen....super! Mit was für einem Objektiv hast du die Libellen fotografiert? Wie nah warst du dran?
    Mach´s gut! Liebe Grüße.

  2. hi michi, danke. das war mein 18-200 mm objektiv. ich hab mit 200 mm brennweite fotografiert, war warscheinlich so um die 30 cm weg. die libellen sind aus kaltem wasser gefischt worden, und haben sich kaum bewegt - sie hatten gerade genug kraft sich am stab fest zu halten und ab und zu die fluegel zu bewegen, bis ihnen wieder warm geworden ist.
